Hastings News
100 Club Lottery Results.
The 100 Club Lottery January draw was drawn on the 13th January 2020. The results are:
- 1st A Evison no:64;
- 2nd C Hassan no:21;
- 3rd M Pakes no:4.
Hastings Winkle Club
From Hastings Winkle Club came a special invitation to the event “Christmas – a time to remember”.
The Winkle club invite the Hastings Association of Twin Towns to join our Procession event on Saturday 21st December.
We will muster at 18.30hrs at the bottom of Harold Road, by the Cyril and Lilian Macbean lifeboat and at 18.45hrs process to Winkle Island where there will be a small ceremony with carol singing and wreath laying.

Golden dove of peace.
From our twin town Schwerte came a very special greeting; a golden dove of peace.
To mark the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the artist Richard Hillinger from Landshut designed the dove in co-operation with the United Nations. Since then the 30 doves he sculptured have been on tour around the world and have landed with a number of prominent people such as Pope Benedikt XVI, the Nobel peace prize winner Dalai Lama and many schools, cities and communities around the world.
The Schwerte mayor Dimitrios Axourgos was so impressed by this project that he wanted to send their own dove of peace to their twin towns as a symbol of our friendship and to foster the peaceful relationship between our countries. The dove has just “flown” back from Bethune and has now made it to Hastings.

Guided Ghost walk in the Old Town.
On Sunday 3rd March, starting at 7pm for about an hour. We'll meet at Butler's Gap on George Street. We'll be introduced to people from the past and told their interesting stories. It's very entertaining, not a 'normal' guided walk! Please could anybody who plans to go send me an email by 25th February please to: Sonia Hartman

Charity for Kids - Twin Town Ride (2019).
Information regarding the Charity for Kids - Twin Town Ride.
Day 1
Hastings to Dover = 50.28 miles (2070 ft)
Ferry from Dover to Calais
Calais to St Omer = 31.86 miles (1582 ft)
Hotel in St Omer
Day 2
St Omer to Bethune = 34 miles (1477 ft)
Lunch in Bethune
Bethune to Roubaix = 33.57 miles (491 ft)
Hotel in Roubaix
Day 3
Roubaix to Oudenaarde = 30 miles (766 ft)
Lunch in Oudenaarde
Oudenaarde to Ypres = 41.7 miles (732 ft)
Hotel in Ypres
Day 4
Ypres to Calais = 56.83 miles (521 ft)
Ferry from Calais to Dover
Dover to Hastings = 49 miles (1280 ft)
Listings for the Anniversary weekend.
- 1pm - 6.30pm: Concorde 1066 events, Battle;
- 8pm - 11pm: Les Derniers Trouveres, St Mary-in-the-Castle, Hastings.
- 10am - 5pm: Battle of Hastings re-enactment;
- 10am: 64th National Town Criers’ Championship, Priory Meadow, Hastings;
- 11.30am - 2.30pm: Norman and Saxon guy-making workshops and storytelling, St Clements Church, Hastings Old Town;
- Noon - 5pm: Music, Norman longboats, archery displays, skirmishes, hog roast, mead, cider and more. Stade Open Space, Hastings;
- Noon - 3pm: Drumming performances around the Old Town, cumulating in a Norman/Saxon drum off outside the Albion (south side). Old Town, Hastings;
- 3.30pm: Colourful daytime fireworks display, in the style of the magnificent Spanish Mascleta, Stade Open Space, Hastings;
- 4pm - 5.15pm: La Grande Promenade, Hastings Old Town, town centre, seafront. Get your Norman and Saxon outfits on for a gigantic procession around the town, starting from the Stade Open Space;
- 7.15pm: Torchlight procession, bonfire and fireworks.
- 9am: 1066 Way to Battle. This 17-mile foot race will follow the 1066 Country Walk from Pevensey;
- 10am - 5pm: Battle of Hastings re-enactment;
- 6.30pm: The reflection, St Clements Church, Hastings Old Town.

Westphalian Youth Chamber Orchestra of Schwerte Concert.
Under the direction of Barbara Stanzeleit, the Westfälisches Jugendkammerorchester will be visiting Hastings and St Leonards early this summer for a concert on Sunday 3rd July at 12 noon in Christchuch, St Leonards, Silchester Road.

Mayoral Reception in Schwerte.
Mr. Bruce Dowling the Hastings Mayor made an official visit to Schwerte. During the annul exchange visit over the weekend of the 29th April to the 2nd of May 2016.